Destination Leander Tomorrow Overview and Land Use Growth and Development The Cummings Team Pure Realty Leander Today Real Estate Texas

Destination Leander Pt 4: Leander Tomorrow Overview And Land Use

Destination Leander is a living document designed to guide the development of the city to intentional, community-supported outcomes. Defining the direction forward enables better-informed public investment decisions to improve Leander’s quality of life and competitive position within the Central Texas region. It is also intended to inspire subsequent private-sector investment.

In this post, we’ll examine the vision, goals, future land use, and transportation policies that were enacted to assist in the physical development of the city for the next two decades.

With the help of public input, city leaders crafted several goals for the Leander of tomorrow:

1) Provide a balanced mix of complementary uses that support a strong and diverse tax base.

2) Position Leander as a destination for employers.

3) Prepare Leander as a destination for education.

4) Promote Old Town as a civic and cultural destination.

5) Promote the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) as an urban destination within a suburban community.

6) Enhance Leander’s public spaces to create and link destinations.

7) Connect destinations.

8) Create strong neighborhoods with a variety of housing choices.

9) Foster civic pride.

10) Continue to expand infrastructure to serve Leander residents.

11) Continue to provide premium public safety services to Leander residents.

Each goal addresses a variety of components that are typical of a city’s comprehensive plan. In other words, the goals “touch” several elements like land use, mobility, utilities, conservation and environmental resources, recreation, housing, public services and safety, economic development, and health and human services. In this blog, we’ll examine land use and how it relates to Destination Leander, and we’ll examine each of the other components in future blog articles.

Land Use Plan

The land use plan was developed with the community’s goals in mind and represents the community’s desires, along with the flexibility required to respond to market opportunities for the next twenty years.

Land Use Policies

Land use policies are leveraged to keep the plan on track while accommodating for certain flexibilities as Leander’s growth progresses. 

1) Provide a balanced mix of complementary uses that support a strong and diverse tax base.

2) Encourage a range of housing types at a variety of price points.

3) Focus commercial growth in Activity, Community, and Neighborhood Centers.

4) Direct highest concentrations of land use intensity and mix within the TOD.

5) Consider both the land use pattern and roadway design in the development and redevelopment of corridors.

6) Direct job-generating uses to the Employment Mixed Use and Industrial areas.

7) Preserve and reserve open space to support healthy living and natural resource conservation.

8) Encourage development that creates a sense of place through architectural design and landscaping. 

If you’re considering making a move around the Central Texas region and have questions about what it’s like to live in Leander, its home prices, or how we help our clients settle in quickly and easily, contact us today. We are always happy and excited to share our knowledge with you. Contact Cummings Team® by clicking here or call or email: 512-619-3186 |