A Local Barbershop Shines While The Leander Senior Activity Center Begins Construction - Leander Texas - The Cummings Team - Pure Realty - Leander Today - Real Estate - Texas

A Local Barbershop Shines While The Leander Senior Activity Center Begins Construction

Leander is thriving this month with two exciting updates coming to their retail and commercial spaces. Check out news of these two developments below!

The Lounge Barber

Previously known as Cappelliera’s Barber Salon, a local Leander barbershop has officially changed ownership and rebranded as The Lounge Barber. This beloved Leander business has always had a history of serving as a barbershop, under different ownership before Cappelliera’s and known as 3 Kings Barber Shop. After many years of rebranding and changes in ownership across a seven-year period, this barbershop has held its own, providing excellent service to its Leander customers! 

April Brothers and Wisam Kobaissi, previous employees, took over ownership of the barbershop after the current owner Gus Gordon retired. 

“Wisam and I were working here at the time, and we just loved the shop…So we decided, ‘Let’s just take over the shop,’ and we did. … And then we renovated,” April commented.

The current owners are eager to expand the business, looking to add destinations throughout Texas.

​Leander Senior Activity Center

A long-standing development, The Leander Senior Activity Center is making waves this month with news of a projected start date of late this year or early 2024. The $6.5 million city project is expected to complete in the summer of 2025, bringing exciting developments to Leander’s senior residents.

This desire for a senior activity center was first assessed in 2011, with an interim center established in 2013 until funding was received in the May 2016 bond.

Designs for the activity center were 90% complete in April 2023 with several amenities outlined, such as a lobby with a seating area, a library and coffee cafe, a game room with a large-screen TV, an activities room, a multipurpose hall,  fitness center,  commercial kitchen, and several special-use offices.

According to city officials, this Leander establishment will likely reside at 611 Municipal Drive.

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